Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

It's Time to Get Serious About Short Form Video



TikTok. Instagram Reels. YouTube Shorts. You've heard the buzz around them, and you know that is where social media users are spending the most time consuming content today.Short form video has transformed from its earliest days of just being about trending dances on TikTok to being a place where people go looking for information. If you have children or know any GenZ youth, ask them what they have learned from being on TikTok. You might be surprised as to the center of information discovery that short form video platform has become.So as we embark on 2023 the question is not whether you should or shouldn't do short form video, but more as to when and how to get started.I just got started myself, and I hope this episode inspires you to do the same!Key Highlights[04:31] Where The Trend of Short Form Began[06:13] TikTok As A Search Engine[07:46] Data Points[09:44] Why You Should Have A TikTok Centric Perspective[10:20] Find Role Models[12:08] What I Have Learned So Far[19:44] Phases of TikTok[20:47] M