Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Why Influencer Marketing is Your Best Marketing Investment When You Have Little Marketing Budget [Nisarg Shah Interview]



While we have covered a lot about influencer marketing on this podcast, there is one facet that we haven't looked at: The cost-effectiveness of influencer marketing.As we head towards a potential recession in 2023 and marketing budgets are tight, this becomes even more important. That's why on this episode we will focus on why influencer marketing is such a great marketing investment when budgets are tight.Topics we will cover include:Why Influencer Marketing is the most flexible form of marketing investment through payment, product gifting, mentions, and moreThe value of more authentic and relatable content to spend on vs. advertising push done directly by youThe fact that during a recession, people turn toward trusted voicesInfluencers as affiliates = Measurable ROI + Massive ReachKey Highlights[02:30] Introduction of Podcast Guest, Nisarg Shah[04:30] How Nisarg Got Into Influencer Marketing[06:22] The Gaps Nisarg Found In Influencer Marketing in 2017[09:08] Influencer Marketing's Flexibility