Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

The New Rules for Repurposing Content in 2023 [Amy Woods Interview]



Are you giving your content the attention it deserves? Do you create a video, podcast, or blog post, and then forget about it after its done. Meet Amy Woods, the queen of content repurposing, who is going to help you get MORE from ALL of your content than you might have thought possible!In this episode you will learn:Repurposing video is easy(er). What are the best practices in repurposing blog content?The trend towards vertical video repurposing, even in B2B virtual eventsHow to best repurpose short-form video across different channelsWhy tapping into memes is so important for repurposing short-form contentKey Highlights[03:59] Introduction of Podcast Guest, Amy Woods[06:44] How Amy Got Into Content Repurposing[13:14] Best Practices in Repurposing Videos[20:58] Less Is More Approach[21:41] Latest Trends in Repurposing Content[27:02] Amy's Thoughts on YouTube Shorts[30:33] Repurposing Is Not Just About Reposting[37:42] Should You Post the Same Content On All Your Social Platforms?[42:15] Tapping Into Mem