Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

My 15 Facebook Ads Strategy Tips to Implement TODAY!



Regardless of whether we personally like Facebook or not, it is still one of the biggest players in social media and its presence cannot be ignored.While this episode gives you some organic Facebook marketing advice as well, most businesses use Facebook as a pay-to-play platform and reap the benefits of doing so.You're probably already running campaigns on Facebook, but I am hoping that you can find a few things to focus on from this episode.Key Highlights[02:30] Facebook Statistics[04:12] Don't Give Up On Facebook[04:55] Ways Savvy Businesses Are Using Facebook[07:30] Why Facebook Is Still the Preferred Place for Marketers to Run Paid Ads[10:44] 3 Main Campaigns Most My Clients Use for Different Purposes[12:22] Different Ways of Leveraging Audiences[16:22] Narrowing Target Audience[17:31] Leveraging Custom Audiences[18:49] Facebook Ad Library[20:59] Think Mobile First[21:59]  Speak to Pain Points and Emotions[23:11] Consider Coupons[24:44] Leverage User-Generated & Influencer-Generated Content[