Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

How To Use Social Media To Improve Customer Experiences [Stacy Sherman Interview]



I always talk about how social media can and should be used by businesses for more than just mere "promotion" or advertisement - there's nothing social about an ad, even if it is appearing on a feed in a social network.While I tend to talk about social media as being a place to collaborate with influencers, it is equally a critical arena that gives you the ability to deepen relationships with your own customers.Customer experience marketing expert Stacy Sherman joins me for this interview where she goes into the different ways brands can leverage social media to deepen customer relationships.Key Highlights[02:56] Introduction of Podcast Guest, Stacy Sherman[06:53] Stacy's Journey to Customer Experience[10:47] Stacy's Advise to Companies That Are Ready to Leverage Customer Experience[12:54] How to Start Customer Experience Audit[15:46] It's All About Response[18:11] The Power of Connection[24:15] Recommended Tools for Competitive Research[34:08] Connect with StacyNotable QuotesYou