Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Crowdfund Marketing



Neal interviews crowdfund marketing expert Peter Trapasso at Cisco Live and gets to the gist of how to use crowdfunding as a marketing vehicle. Key Highlights[01:18] Introduction of Podcast Guest, Peter Trapasso[01:25] Peter's Role in the World of Social Media[02:25] What is Kickstarter?[04:07] Advantages of Utilizing Crowdfund Marketing[6:00] Best Practices[06:49] Crowdfund to Social Media Marketing vs Email Marketing[08:48] User Bases[10:36] Final Thoughts[11:41] Connect with PeterNotable QuotesSo before launching, you're in a thing called pre launch and you need to do your planning. You need to put together your tribe and that would be friends, family, people that would be very interested in what you're trying to raise money for. So you need to do that first and the same time you need to start building your social circle.If you think about it more as a startup and a product, lead with the big idea, what are you trying to do, what are you trying to sell, then if it connects with people, then