Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Soul Nourishing Self-Care for Reflectors Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hey there, Human Design Reflectors! It's time to kick self-care up a notch and nourish your reflective souls like never before. In this Masterclass, we'll debunk the myths surrounding Reflector Human Design self-care and show you how to truly embrace nourishing practices that align with your unique energy type. Get ready for some real talk and practical tips that go beyond the clichés of bubble baths and scented candles. Let's dive into the world of self-care tailored specifically for Reflectors! Possibilities include: 1. Unmasking the Self-Care Stereotypes: It's not all about bubble baths! 2. From Woes to Wows: Transforming Disappointment into Self-Love. 3. Cosmic Connections: Harnessing Lunar Energy for Reflective Renewal. 4 .Beyond the Bubble: Unconventional Self-Care Rituals That Speak to You. 5 .Energetic Boundaries: Saying "No" and Prioritizing Your Well-being. 6. The Reflective Revolution: Tapping into Your Inner Wisdom and Healing Potential. So get ready to sas