Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Nourishing Your Inner Generator: Self-Care In Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  As a Human Design Generator and Manifesting Generator energy type, you have a powerful life force energy that can fuel your creativity and productivity. However, without proper self-care, you may find yourself feeling drained, burnt out, or unfulfilled. Self care for Generators is something unique and possibly unlike any other Human Design energy type. In this masterclass, we'll explore the importance of nourishing yourself as a Generator, including: Understanding the unique self-care needs of Generator energy types How to set boundaries to protect your energy and prevent burnout Tips for making self-care a priority in your work week The connection between decision fatigue and self-care The role of rest and relaxation in nourishing yourself as a Generator You'll come away from this masterclass with a deeper understanding of your personal self-care needs as a Generator, as well as practical strategies for incorporating self-care into your daily routine. Whether it's say