Moments With Marianne

No Responder Left Behind with John Feal & Joe Sabia



No Responders Left Behind with John Feal & Joe Sabia As the Founder of the FealGood Foundation, John Feal has had incredible achievements and continues the tremendous goals he’s set for himself either by choice or challenge. On 9/11/01, this great country witnessed its worst terrorist attack ever on American soil. We lost 2,751 innocent lives to senseless violence. During our nation’s darkest hours, the resolve and testament of the American people were tested. From the toxic dust rose heroes; true American Patriots. These were men and women, uniform and non-uniform who risked their lives without prejudice to ensure the safety of our nation. Since that dark day in history, hundreds and soon to be thousands have lost their lives to 9/11 related illnesses. The FeelGood Foundation’s mission is includes educating elected officials and private entities on the various problems, concerns and issues faced by First Responders in their everyday duties. John has also received the NYS Congressional ‘Medal of Honor for