Mindful Medicine

Breaking Up with Sugar



If you suffer from a sugar addition, former sugar addict Molly Carmel might have the solution you need: a sugar breakup. Much like any relationship, you can’t cut and run when things aren’t going your way. You need to stop and assess your relationship before you can have a clean breakup. Most addictions are two-pronged—they affect the nervous system and are substance addictions. Sugar addiction is four-pronged, because it affects the nervous system, it’s a substance that can be abused, it’s a process addiction (much like gambling or gaming), and it affects our endocrine system, meaning that we are more likely to head for the fridge when we’re tired, stressed, or feeling overwhelmed.However, it is possible to have a healthy relationship with food, and Molly can help you develop it. Listen as she joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to break up with sugar.