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7/21 CView 2023 Messages from Metatron: Practical Spirituality Devi Nina Bingham



Join US for a captivating episode of Devi Nina Bingham's show, where we embark on a profound exploration of Practical Spirituality according to the wisdom of Archangel Metatron (from book Messages from Metatron: A Course in Self-Transformation). Call (805) 830-8344 Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12238554 Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a spiritual person? Prepare to have your perceptions challenged and expanded. A spiritual being is not one who blindly follows, but rather one who keeps their eyes wide open, attentively observing the world around them. They are unafraid to ask questions, seeking answers without apology. Practical spirituality transcends the notions of poverty or wealth; it lies in the priorities we set and how we spend our time. Are you dedicated to regular spiritual practice? Do you strive for self-awareness and growth? True spirituality is about thirsting for the truth and persevering on the path, even when disillusionment sets in. Remember, the school of spirituality is