Dr. Judy Wtf

Trapped in a Narcissistic Relationship? Your Pathway to Freedom



So if you're trapped in a narcissistic relationship, there is a way out. Before you get out, you have to go back in to your past and look at the blueprint of how you were set up to be in such a trapped situation. Childhood is a hostage situation. Our parents set up the blueprint for future relationships.If our parents locked up empathy, if they verbally, physically, emotionally abused and neglected us, if they over idealized us in order to manipulate and control our behavior, we were set up. We or those are signs that we were set up.Toxic bonds are hard to break. Similar to breaking an addiction, there is a withdrawal process because narcissists often give you intermittent reinforcement.They are always fanning the flame of hope, and it's easy for you to buy into the idea that things will be different going forward, but they never are. Please join us for our webinar September 3rd, ten and 17 2023, hosted by Christiana Davidson. Healing from Narcissistic Abuse a break free?