Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 8:22-9:1



Study/review questions for this week's sermon on Mark 8:22-38... 1) Rev. Scribner suggested that perhaps the healing of the blind man was not primarily for the sake of the blind man, but actually to teach a lesson to the disciples (and to us). What are some ways that God might work in your life that are not primarily for or about you? 2) The two-step healing of the blind man reminds us that Christian growth is ongoing and staggered, not an “all-at-once” proposition. How should this knowledge direct us toward humility, and how might that humility play itself out in our interactions with others? 3) Jesus says to Peter, “You are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” What types of things is he talking about, and in what ways are we prone to setting our minds on the things of man instead of the things of God? 4) In his sermon Sunday, Rev. Scribner mentioned that we tend to have a well-developed theology of glory, but we don’t always have a well-developed theology of the cross.