Mark And Pete

The Raphael brand makes a painting valuable



A mystery work which was recently found to "undoubtedly" be by Renaissance painter Raphael has gone on show in Bradford, the first time it has ever been seen on public display.Teams from the University of Nottingham and University of Bradford used facial recognition technology to examine the painting, known as the de Brécy Tondo.They found the faces were identical to those in a Raphael altarpiece.It will now be on display at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery for two months.The de Brécy Tondo, which sits in a collection set up by Cheshire businessman George Lester Winward and which was thought by some experts to have been a Victorian copy, has been the subject of research and debate for more than 40 years due to its resemblance to Raphael's Sistine Madonna. Mark and Pete investigate.