New Music By Karlheinz Essl

fLOWer #1



Sounds flood through the room, drip from the ceiling and evaporate in an eternal cycle. On May 13, 2000, the Minoritenkirche in Krems was transformed into an acoustic water reservoir by a generative sound installation by Karlheinz Essl. The occasion was the last part of the project series "fLOW". Once again Karlheinz Essl invited top-class international instrumentalists, composers and sound artists from a wide variety of musical contexts (ranging from jazz to new music to free improvisation) to be part of a musical work process in continuous flux. Featuring: Anne LaBerge: flute and electronics, Arne Deforce: cello and electronics, Martin Siewert: electric guitar, lapsteel, devices, Elisabeth Flunger: percussion, Didi Bruckmayer: voice and Karlheinz Essl: computer, soundscape, live electronics, concept