Malcolm Cox

S2: Men and Women in Christ | "Huldah and Josiah" | Malcolm Cox



A sermon for the Watford church of Christ. 1. Huldah, vv14-20 A. What was an Old Testament prophet? QUESTION: Definition? A ‘covenant enforcer’ B. One of a few female prophets The others: Miriam, Deborah, and Isaiah’s wife (Exod 15:20; Judg 4:4; 2 Kgs 22:14; Isa 8:3). No sense this wrong No sense should be a man Contemporaries: Jeremiah; Nahum; Zephaniah; Habakkuk C. Knew the Bible Knew the book - even though lost Knew it was Scripture Knew how to interpret into her time 2. Josiah, vv8-13; 23:1ff A. Strikes against him Evil grandfather and father - 2 Kings 21:6; 21:20-22 Tragic family - 2 Kings 21:23-24 Evil societal religious culture - 2 Kings 23:6, 7, 10, Evil leadership culture - 8/4 His elders and betters had got it wrong Not a victim B. Spiritual Integrity Enquire of the best person - even if not conventional. Wants to know how much authority this book has Wants to know what it means for him C. Renews covenant & Passover 23:1-3, 21-23, 25 Urgent, thorough, self-motivated, brave Consequence