Rugby Pickem

Broccoli Guy - Seattle Sports SuperFan



Sometimes, an interview is so big ... so massive and emotional ... so monumental and groundbreaking ... that you simply can't edit & publish it in the following hours. No, sometimes the weight of the moment is simply too grand ... it needs to simmer, and grow with the wild and fantastical rise of the individual. Presenting Broccoli Guy. Ladies and Gentleman "We Got Him". The interview was aptly conducted in his car (in a hotel parking lot) back in the summer of 2021. The man (myth & legend) they call Jim Stewart Allen was everything one could imagine and more. In the summer of 2021, the club rugby world rejoiced when summer 7's resumed and the club national tournament was held at Starfire Stadium in Tukwila Washington. The big names and clubs were all in attendance, but none bigger than a man who has been trailblazing super-fandom in the Pacific Northwest for years. In an ode to a high fiber diet, and absolute kookiness, Broccoli Guy has injected himself into the heart and soul of the Sports SuperFan Univ