Gallup Theme Thursday

Pairing and Expanding Your Strengths: Activator -- Season 2



To learn more about Gallup's additional strengths resources, visit the Gallup Strengths Center: Gallup's Theme Thursday is a live Webcast that targets strengths coaches and enthusiasts to provide a deeper context behind the language of strengths by talking in-depth about each of the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder themes.Activators are always thinking, "Let's get started. Let's go." They are impatient for action, but that impatience is not a negative thing. It represents Activators innate ability to energize and mobilize others to act. People talented in the Activator are comfortable with risk, as long as action is taken. Activators are catalysts -- they turn ideas into action. When other people share ideas, Activators are listening for openings in those ideas for action. Their energy can be engaging and contagious. With every theme, there are dimensions of talent and each theme represents a natural pattern of behavior. Every theme represents potential inside a person -- and that them