Underground Usa

The Beginning Of The Greatest Divide



Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to touch on something we talked about this morning and that is the divide that is starting to foment in the Democrat Party.The neo-fascist Left of the Democrat Party – formerly known as the Progressives – which has run roughshod over the Democrat Party for the last, at least, thirty years, are a minority. They're a vocal minority; they're a bully minority, but they are the minority.Traditional Democrats haven't been represented in their party for quite a while. Now we have a moment in time when their incumbent candidate, Joe Biden, is thoroughly incapable of running for re-election (he was incapable of running for election the first time but that's beside the point).They have a viable candidate in Robert F Kennedy Jr. but the hard Left doesn't want Robert F Kennedy Jr. because he's a traditional Democrat. He's not a neo-fascist Progressive. So, they're floating the idea of Gavin Newsom.If Republicans are sm