Real Life With Beth And Rob

Jonalyn Fincher and Bo Sterns



Featuring Jonalyn Fincher and Bo Stern. Jonalyn Fincher co-founded Soulation, a non-profit dedicated to helping others become more appropriately human. She works with her husband, Dale, as a national speaking/writing team. They recently co-authored their first book together, Coffee Shop Conversations: Making the Most of Spiritual Small Talk. She writes regularly on her personal blog blending women and spirituality for the past five years. She co-authors a blog on women and friendship with a female psychologist Her first book, Ruby Slippers: How the Soul of a Woman Brings Her Home (Zondervan, ’07), explains the qualities of a woman’s soul. Bo Sterns make her home in Bend, OR, where she is a teaching pastor at Westside Church with a passion for making theology accessible, compelling and transformative. Both her position in the church and her personal battle have allowed Bo to minister to others as they are facing their own goliaths. She considers it to be a privileg