Beer Me!

A Classic: Beer & Cheese



Almost as ubiquitous as a beer and pretzel, there is the classic pairing of beer with cheese. This pairing is also an excellent gateway into the beer world for those just starting on their beer journey, so we decided to do an episode dedicated to beer and cheese. We welcome Anne Becerra (Cicerone, Speaker, Consultant: back to the show to talk through her process of pairing beer with cheese. While there are always the classic three C's for pairing beer with food (Compliment, Contrast, Cut), her approach is more organic. She guides us through her method of dissecting the flavors of a beer and how those flavors could act as additional ingredients to the cheese experience. The process is very approachable and easy to follow. In June Anne lead a seminar with cheese expert, Laura Werlin at the Aspen Food & Wine Classic, where they paired seven classic European beer styles with some stunning cheese. This was the first time beer was featured as one of the seminar options.  Anne explains her tho