Indio Radio Podcast!

John and Kane Show 7-15-16



It's another downloadable podcast - and it originates out of the World Class facility known as: Shock City Studios ( - and it's been over 6 months since our last show! It's a one-off, LIVE sit-down - like a reunion show - as we have some great friends come by: Jessica Ambuehl and Richard Strelinger on how you can support their new film "Table 21" - we talk about the Seed and Spark campaign ( and why you'd enjoy supporting the film and the finished product...very fun and talented peeps! Then we bring in our friend and Wellness Doctor: Dr. Eric Nepute: - and opening up many locations under the name: LifeXist - ( - get focused on your health - and defy the natural aging process by connecting with Dr. Nepute - if pills aren't working for you on improving your health, it's worth a conversation with Dr. Nepute and his staff on how you can live at optimal health, in addition to looking and feeling younge