Indio Radio Podcast!

John And Kane on Indio Radio - Thursday 8-06-15



Live from Shock City Studios! ( @ShockCityMusic) John and Kane are LIVE Monday thru Friday at 10a CT on INDIO RADIO...It's The John and Kane Show - and another DOWNLOADABLE PODCAST! And we start it off with Comedian Jeremy Essig in again today - John and Kane are part of this "Shame Show" at The Heavy Anchor - get the details here: - Then we bring in the controversial, ridesharing advocate, Edward Domain - Ed's been on the show about Techli - but today we talk about the MTC and how we should have ridesharing in St. Louis and his 2013 cab accident that has lingering medical effects...make sure to text "STL" to 52886, click the link that is texted to you, and become aware, and - more importantly - having your legislators aware of your opinion on ridesharing - make sure to connect with Ed on Twitter here: @EdwardDomain - then we bring in the beautiful, Amber Sease of Choose To Lose Fitness - extending our challenge another week - make sure to co