Doing Good Business Fm With Erin Giles

From Corporate to Crowdfunding: How Crystal Gornto is Changing HeartStories



Crystal Gornto knew there had to be something more, something more passion infusing, something deeper to her days and once she realized it she spent her nights building it. But that time came as it has for many entrepreneurs where she knew she had to quit her corporate day job. This is when HeartStories began taking shape. Today I’m pleased to bring you an interview with Crystal Gornto, founder of HeartStories and a newly successful crowdfunder. In our interview she shares: - How she got the guts to quit her day job and start building her dream. - Her hesitations about crowdfunding and her lessons learned. - Why she chose the crowdfunding site that she did. - The mission behind HeartStories and why it’s unlike anything else out there for women. See more here: