Thompson & Associates

DEV: Simple Bequests with Cayce Powell, MBA, J.D., FCEP



Join Founder and CEO of Thompson & Associates, Eddie Thompson, as he speaks with President Cayce Powell, MBA, J.D., FCEP, discussing bequests and other forms of testamentary gifts. In this podcast, they will cover the following points, and more:1. How can a donor make these types of gifts? 2. Does it require a donor to rewrite their Will?3. Can a donor change the beneficiaries once they have been established?4. How can a donor ensure that their spouse is taken care of first and foremost?5. What are the drawbacks to consider with these types of gifts?6. What are the options available to leave a bequest in a Will?7. Are there advantages to having charitable donations come from a retirement account as opposed to coming out of an estate?DEV – The Development (DEV) podcasts, hosted by Thompson & Associates CEO Eddie Thompson, share wisdom from some of the nation’s most seasoned professionals on a wide variety of fundraising-related topics.