Walloping Websnappers - A Spider-man Podcast

#194: "The Vampire Queen"



Nichelle Nichols voices Blade's mom, a vampire who shoots a vampire-creating laser beam into a disco ball in a nightclub that turns everyone into vampires. Honestly, what else could you ask for? There’s a ton packed into this fun horror episode that teeters on the edge of camp, while finding closure for Morbius, Terri Lee, and Blade and even functioning as a send-off for Black Cat. We’re watching Spider-Man: The Animated Series: season 4, episode 7: “Partners in Danger Chapter VII: The Vampire Queen”. Website⁠ | ⁠Patreon⁠ | ⁠Discord⁠ Contact us: @WallopingWebPod on ⁠Twitter⁠, ⁠Instagram⁠, and ⁠Facebook⁠⁠ Email: ⁠wallopingwebsnapperspodcast@gmail.com⁠ Theme song features: “Resonance (Cyan & Ladybot Remix)” by HOME | ⁠License (CC BY 3.0)