Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 10:1-12



Study/Review Questions: 1. When the Pharisees ask Jesus a question about divorce, are they actually looking to learn from his instruction? What is it that they are looking to accomplish? 2. Jesus responds by making the discussion primarily about marriage instead of divorce. He is essentially making the point that marriage as God intended is a good thing, not to be taken lightly, but rather held in the highest esteem. In short, it is to be lived out to the glory of God. What are some ways that we can do this? 3. When we consider what Christ has to say about marriage, should we be more concerned with how the culture at large falls short of his design, or should we be more concerned about the church? Consider how 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 might apply. 4. Look back at these verses specifically to review the six distinctives of God’s design for marriage listed in this week’s text: Mark 10:6 Mark 10:7b Mark 10:7a Mark 10:8 Mark 10:9a Mark 10:9b 5. We also covered a seventh distinctive of God’s design for marriage,