Ask Win

Bonnie Hardie



Ask Win: Please donate to Ask Win by going to Payment Venmo Win1195 at Win Kelly Charles’ Books: Win Kelly Charles' MONAT:   On Ask Win today (Monday, September 7, 2020), Best-Sellinng Author, Win C welcomes Bonnie Hardie. Bonnie is a Mindset and Business Coach/Consultant  from Central Florida -- Specializing in showing people how to Reframe their Negatives into Positives and Appreciate what they DO have while not dwelling on what they DON'T have. She used to be homeless and spent the summer of 2016 sleeping in a tent in the woods in Central Florida. She woke up on Christmas Day 2016 and New Year's Day 2017 sleeping on a bus stop bench. All thru this time Bonnie was in constant pain from severe Osteoarthritis in both knees. She was able to use her strong mindset to stay positive during this time and started a business. She now helps othe