Walloping Websnappers - A Spider-man Podcast

#199: “The Electric Company’s Spidey Super Stories”



Spider-Man’s first ever appearance in live action might not be where you’d expect! We’ve ventured back to the 1970s with the educational children’s sketch comedy show The Electric Company and its “Spidey Super Stories” segments, which pit a silent Spidey who only communicates with word balloons against puntastic comedy villains (including a Dracula played by Morgan Freeman and a cake-sitting Yeti). It’s low-budget silliness and absurdity at its finest! We’re watching a compilation of sketches that you can find here (and you should, they’re great). ⁠Website⁠ | ⁠Patreon⁠ | ⁠Discord⁠ Contact us: @WallopingWebPod on ⁠Twitter⁠, ⁠Facebook⁠, and ⁠Instagram⁠ Email: ⁠wallopingwebsnapperspodcast@gmail.com⁠ Theme song features: ⁠“Resonance (Cyan & Ladybot Remix)” by HOME⁠ | ⁠License (CC BY 3.0)⁠