Charmed Life With Tricia Carr

329: Manifestation and the Alternative to Shadow Work



This episode is a solo of the Charmed Life Podcast by Tricia Carr. It is a thoughtful exploration of manifestation and an alternative perspective on shadow work. Tricia offers insights into manifestation, highlighting the significance of physical action and practical steps in the manifestation process. Additionally, she introduces a fresh viewpoint on shadow work, focusing on moving forward with confidence and courage while acknowledging the role of light and cycles in personal growth.Key Points:The episode emphasizes the connection between listeners and the host in the quantum light field, discussing the unique way podcasts facilitate interaction and community-building.Tricia touches on the recent prevalence of intense dreams and shadow work experiences, relating these phenomena to current astrological influences and energies.In the context of manifestation, Tricia stresses the importance of combining energetic practices with tangible, physical actions, considering this combination the language of manifestat