Saints Unscripted

From atheist to believer to BISHOP! | Shane's Conversion



We say this often but this conversion story TRULY is one of our favorite conversion stories! Shane grew up being taught very little about God, though he knew some basics from school. He eventually found a path in life that wasn't leading him to much happiness. He felt lost and confused when one day, he met some LDS missionaries at a bus stop. The missionaries began cracking jokes and casually talking to Shane. They got his phone number, address, and set up an appointment to meet with him. Shane immediately went home and told his roommates about his goals to string the Mormon missionaries along. But after joking with his roommates, he had a very strong feeling that he needed to take these missionaries seriously. Shane shared his story about how he was eventually baptized and how he met his wife. In just 7 years, he had completely changed his life around and was recently called as the bishop of his ward.