Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 10:13-31



This week's study/review questions: 1-Jesus elevates the place of children amongst his people by not only receiving them into his arms and blessing them, but by explicitly saying (v. 14) “to such belongs the kingdom of God,” and (v. 15) “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” How exactly is it that we must become like little children? How is the mindset of the Rich Young Ruler very different from this? 2-Jesus seems to approach the questions of the Rich Young Ruler very differently than he does the similar questions that the scribes and Pharisees brought him. Why do you think he responds so differently? 3-In verse 21, Mark tells us that Jesus “looking at him, loved him.” How exactly did Jesus love the Rich Young Ruler here, and how is it similar to how he loved his disciples when “Jesus looked at them” in verse 27? 4-Why did Jesus tell the Rich Young Ruler to give away all he has when he doesn’t always require this of his followers? What should