Meaningful Mondays

The Flow of Our Lives



The average adult makes 35,000 choices a day. Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." What are the 5 keys to better choice-making? Can you "kidify" those keys to help your "kids" become better choice-makers? "Decide" where you are going. Reduce your options. Will this choice move me closer or farther away from my decision? Make "Gratitude" your companion. A grateful heart brings clarity, filtering distractions and magnifying purpose. Adust- reflect and review. Regularly review your choices. Are they in line with your decisions and aspirations? Adjust if necessary. Seek Wisdom- From God, family, friends, and mentors. Gathering perspectives can help guide your choices. Action over Perfection. Perfection is elusive. Prioritize action. Remember, it's the flow of choices that moves us forward. Be the River, not the pond.