Out Of The Box With Christine

Helping Our Children Deal With Stress and Anxiety In A Digital World



In this episode of the podcast "Out of The Box With Christine" we get to speak with Dr. Blythe Mandmets, author of "Dear Teenager, You Are Amazing, 5 Keys To Creating A Life You Love". And if you have children or teenagers you won't want to miss this.----more---- In today's digital age, our kids navigate a virtual landscape filled with endless information. While this connectivity offers countless interactions, it can also casts a shadow on their mental health leading to depression and anxiety. The constant comparison, cyberbullying, and addiction to screens can take a toll on their self-esteem and overall well-being. ----more----That's why teaching our children how to self-love is so important.. It equips them with the resilience to withstand the digital pressures and fosters a healthy self-image. Encouraging open conversations, setting boundaries on screen time, and nurturing self-compassion are essential steps. ----more----LINKS MENTIONED: ----more----For more information on Dr Blythe Mandmets and her new b