Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 446: The Right Decision for You



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  If you would like to get some nutrition or medical advice, just tell someone you are plant based.  They will tell you all the things that you will be deficient in and how keto has worked well for them.  Of course, they are currently on a break or having a cheat day, but it still works for them.   It is pretty rare to have someone listen to your story and just say, good for you. I was fortunate enough to have my father give me a great piece of advice.  Make a decision and own it.  That advise is a little easier if the decision is something that is of shorter duration, but what if that decision puts you at a crossroads in life? When it comes to medical decisions, we try to rely on scientific data and statistics to get the best outcome.  However, it is very difficult to apply statistics of a group to one individual.  You are unique.  Your life experience and values are unique.  All the AI in the world cannot make the correct choice for you.  Only you can decide, and that is