Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 10:46-52



Study/Review Questions for Mark 10:46-52... 1-What similarities and differences do you notice between the healing of the anonymous blind man in Mark 8:22-26 and the healing of Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52? Based on what happens between these two stories, what lesson(s) do you think Mark is intending to teach us? 2-Mark 10:46-48 demonstrates Bartimaeus’ example that a true disciple cries out to Jesus. How have you cried out to the Son of David? In what situations in your life do you need to continue to cry out to him? 3-Do you have any “beggars” in your life? How can you interact with them in a way that brings the love and truth of Christ to their lives? 4-Read Ephesians 2:1-3 and Romans 10:13. How do you apply these truths to your life? 5-Why is what Jesus says in Mark 4:24-25 so important related to our attentiveness to the teachings of God’s Word? 6-Mark 10:49-52 demonstrates Bartimaeus’ example that a true disciple is healed by Jesus. How has “Jesus stopped” and healed you? In what other ways do you