Jacked Kirby

Episode 218- “Roy Schwartz Returns!"



Our friend, writer and historian ROY SCHWARTZ, returns to the show to share some classic New York Kirby tales, discuss Captain America’s Jewish background, and to tell us (and you) about the new exhibit he’s involved in; JewCE! (THE MUSEUM AND LABORATORY OF THE JEWISH COMICS EXPERIENCE runs October 9, through December 2023. Get tickets at www.jewce.org) You can buy Roy’s book ‘Is Superman Circumcised? The Complete Jewish History of the World's Greatest Hero’, anywhere quality books are sold!  Visit his site: www.royschwartz.com And follow him on Instagram: @realroyschwartz   For all things JACKED KIRBY, including links to listen everywhere, to buy a snazzy t-shirt, AND to view our social media pages, visit our FlowPage: www.flow.page/jackedkirby   If you like the show, please share the show! Spread the good word! Thanks!