Homers Leadership Podcast

39. How Numbers Can Help Or Hurt You



Big thought: Many leaders carry vague ideas of different recordable metrics in their heads, and many times their ideas of these numbers give a false perception of what success looks like. A leader can be making a valuable impact in people’s lives while thinking that they aren’t making a difference at the same time. Someone can go through a slow down period and think that all of their efforts were for nothing just because of their confusion on how numbers work. Today we’re going to talk about the importance of recording and understanding numbers. We’re going to talk about the ways that it is helpful and how you can use them to your advantage. We’re also going to talk about the mental dangers of recording numbers and how to avoid common mistakes. This topic is so important to talk about because many people have an idea about recorded numbers but don’t really fully understand how to utilize them. And many have replaced their whole spiritual motivation by chasing after the numbers instead. We have to learn how