Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 11:12-25



Study/Review Questions: 1-Mark uses his common “sandwich” structure in placing the story of the fig tree surrounding the story of Jesus cleansing the Temple. What are the connections between the two stories? 2-What kind of fruit specifically was Jesus looking for from Israel? 3-Why specifically is Jesus so angry at the money-changers and those selling pigeons? 4-The cursing of the fig tree cursing (and, by extension, the cleansing of the Temple) is not just about historical Israel. It is also about us as the people of God. How so? 5-Some people think that simply being “religious” will be sufficient to avoid the judgment of God. What does this passage have to say to us about that? 6-Others think that just being a part of the Church is sufficient. What does this passage teach us about that perception (see also Hosea 2:12 and Micah 7:1-6)? 7-Why do you think Jesus pivots to teaching on prayer toward the end of this passage? 8-Are there people in your life who have wronged you that you need to forgive? T