Ruth Institute Podcast

How to Defend Your School Kids



School and kids are back in session, Unfortunately the Sexual Revolutionaries who have no problem sexualizing children are also back at it as well. In fact, they never took a break. We help you stand up to the radicals with the science and clear thinking to protect your kids. Give today to help us #resistpride and #protectchildren: Alvin Lui is President of Courage Is A Habit. He moved his family from California to the mid-west only to find the same ideologies that ruined his old home are now spreading across the country. Courage Is A Habit is an organization that creates tools for parents and legislators so they are empowered to take action to protect the innocence of children in K-12. Tiffany Justice is a wife and mom of four school-aged children. In 2016 she stepped up to serve for 4 years on the School District of Indian River County, FL School Board. She believes that kids in public school deserve innovation and parents have the right to know the union interference and government b