Peggy Willms

Wellness G.P.S. Opportunity & Experience with Peggy Willms!



WOW Divine Guidance at it's BEST! On the Show I will reveal to you My own personal unfolding of this amazing opportunity! SPIRIT is so amazing and full of Love for each of US! So many things to unpack about this show... Let me start with about a year or so agoo I contacted The TTR execs with an idea to see if I could promote some of the Amazing Hosts that Bring it for our audiences every Show. I think it was also to celebrate Dr. Pat and what she has created for each of us as Hosts and how doing our SHows on TTR has completely changed our Lives. [ Dr Pat you beautiful SOUL - if you are reading this I still feel that way - oh and the idea still brings joy to my being - wink wink- So... Yes! Peggy IS one of TTRS amazing Hosts and she is going to be on here with me. And... Peggy is bringing forward a unique opprtunity to me and possibly YOU - to join in the experience of being an author in her latest Book "Wellness GPS" This boom is the 3rd of her Wellness Series - The last one went to the Best Seller list!!!