Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

Side Hustle to Over $100 Million: How a Small-Town Girl Built a Booming Online Boutique with Tori Gerbig, Founder of Pink Lily



Enjoy this video podcast on Spotify and Youtube! With $300, a Facebook group, and selling clothes out of her trunk, Tori Gerbig of Pink Lily turned her side hustle into a $100 million business in 9 years. In 2013, Tori and her husband had just had a baby and were struggling financially to pay off debt. Desperate to get unstuck, Tori began to sell items on eBay and Etsy eventually moving into the clothing arena. Pink Lily was launched by Tori and her husband in 2014 and very quickly achieved success, rounding out the first year with $4 million in sales. Almost a decade later, Pink Lily is a booming online boutique and lifestyle brand with plans for more retail stores. And the secret to Tori’s success? She attributes it not only to her hard work and dedication but really establishing a community of women from the start. Pink Lily as a brand strives to be positive and accessible for “small-town girls, teachers, and moms.” Thanks for listening!  Don't forget to order Rebecca's new book, Fearless: The New