Anastasia Ryzhkova Podcast

Eclipses - The Ring of Fire



In this celestial-themed episode of Anastasia's Podcast, we delve deep into the cosmic tapestry as we prepare to witness a significant astronomical event - the Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023. Hosted by yours truly, an astrologer and cosmic enthusiast, this episode promises an enlightening and thought-provoking journey into the world of astrology, symbolism, and personal transformation. As the Moon slides gracefully in front of the Sun, casting its ephemeral shadow upon our planet, we explore the profound influence of this eclipse and how it mirrors the dynamics within us all. This eclipse takes place in the constellation of Libra, the zodiac sign known for its dedication to balance, harmony, and relationships.  But this episode is not merely about the scientific and astrological aspects of the eclipse. We also venture into the mystical realm of Chandra Symbols, a lesser-known but incredibly insightful approach to understanding the depths of our souls and the cosmic forces at play in our lives. Join us as w