Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

How to Release the Grip Imposter Syndrome Has on You with Kim Meninger



Let’s talk about Imposter Syndrome. While Imposter Syndrome is a universal experience there are times when this experience is activated more than others. A common trigger for Imposter Syndrome is when we take on new and expanded roles. There’s excitement at first and then the potential for doubting yourself will creep in. Imposter Syndrome, and the reactions women often have to it - overpreparing or withdrawing, can hobble women just as they are given an opportunity to make a greater impact. In August I had an opportunity to speak on a panel for Aspen Tech’s Women’s Leadership Forum. That is where I met Kim Meninger. We instantly clicked and the added bonus is Kim specializes in Imposter Syndrome and even did a TED Talk on the subject. In this episode Kim and I discuss: Imposter Syndrome as a fear response: Kim likens imposter syndrome to our brain's fight or flight response and offers practical steps to manage it. How everyone experiences imposter syndrome but men and women tend to respond to it in differen