Dumbo Feather Podcast

#27 Bob Brown: Wilderness warrior, elder, true blue legend



This month we’re bringing you a live conversation with Issue 56 profilee, the legendary Bob Brown. For decades, Bob has inspired generations of Australians to feel a deep reverence for the environment—and campaign to protect it. In this episode, Bob talks with our editor, Nathan Scolaro, about his latest efforts to save the Tarkine, a wilderness region in north west Tasmania, and how embracing music, the arts and self-care is central to empowered activism. Show notes:This edited conversation was produced by our digital editor, Lizzie Marton. The music you hear is by Dennis Liu. Join Patagonia and the Bob Brown Foundation in telling the Tasmanian government to nominate takayna / Tarkine for World Heritage protection, by signing their petition here: https://www.change.org/p/premier-will-hodgman-support-world-heritage-protection-for-takayna-tarkineFind the Drew Dellinger poem Bob references here: https://drewdellinger.org/pages/poetry/961/hieroglyphic-stairwayRead more about the Bob Brown Foundation here: http:/