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Alister McGrath: My Journey through Science, Faith and Doubt - A Personal Story.



In this guest lecture at NLA University College, world-famous theologian and writer Alister McGrath explores how he became a Christian after having started his studies in the natural sciences at Oxford University. The lecture focus on which issues he had to confront in this process, both in making the transition from atheism to Christianity and in making sense of the relationship between science and faith. The lecture includes a personal encouragement to view one’s talents as gifts from God, to be used in service for Him. Alister McGrath is Emeritus Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University. He is the keynote speaker at the Veritas Conference 2023. The guest lecture was held on Thursday 19th October 2023 at NLA University College, Kristiansand, for students in the Communication and Worldviews Programme.   The video recording of this guest lecture is published at the Damaris Norway YouTube channel.