Comes From Upbringing Podcast With Brad Gilmore

Tim Qualls, "FEEL"



Houston, TX (October 20, 2023) - Houston-based Alt-Pop artist Tim Qualls is making waves in the music industry with his newly released album ‘Feel.’ This record, featuring ten compelling tracks, is a testament to Qualls’ distinctive musical approach and creative vision. Notable among these tracks are “History” and “Grave,” each delivering a distinct emotional and sonic experience.I hope this piece of art can reset the bar for me musically and really set a new tone for my listeners.”- Tim Qualls, Alt-Pop Singer Qualls is renowned for his rootsy, soulful, and ornate music style, characterized by its emotional and embellished elements. The inception of his latest album was sparked by the creation of the song “Stay,” a pivotal moment in his musical journey.Once the artist was able to gain full control over his music, he was able to dedicate himself to crafting a unified piece of art that demonstrated his range as a musician. ‘Feel’ signifies the culmination of a 15-year journey, with the songs eloquently recounti