Sales Genius

Unleashing Sales Success Online with Hailey Rowe



Welcome back to The Sales Genius podcast! This week, we've got the dynamic Hailey Rowe in the spotlight. Hailey's all about helping health and life coaches level up their online sales game and make a massive impact. Now, here's the kicker – Hailey's journey wasn't always a smooth ride. She started from the bottom, selling coaching sessions for a mere $50 and struggling to find clients. Yup, you read that right – just one client in her first six months of business. (#yikes indeed!) Despite having all the "right" qualifications – a burning passion for success, multiple health coach and behavioral change certifications, and some sales experience – she was in a bit of a pickle. No social media engagement, no systems in place, just a frazzled coach staring at her laptop, hoping for a miracle. But here's where Hailey's story takes a turn for the better. She summoned the courage to break free from her scarcity mindset and invest in learning from top online business experts. An