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Alister McGrath: «Reason, Imagination, and the Christian Story. Exploring the Significance of C. S. Lewis as an Apologist for the Twenty First Century.»



In this engaging keynote address at the Veritas Research Symposium 2023, world-famous evangelical theologian and writer Alister McGrath explores the significance of C.S. Lewis as an apologist for the 21st century. McGrath focuses on Lewis’ holistic approach to apologetics: (a) Lewis was someone who was able to translate Christianity into everyday language. (b) Lewis was a former atheist who became Christian – and knew why. (c) Lewis had a threefold appeal - to reason (as in Mere Christianity), to the imagination (as in Surprised by Joy), and through stories (as in The Narnia Chronicles).   Alister McGrath is Emeritus Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University. He was the keynote speaker at the Veritas Conference 2023.  The Veritas Research Symposium 2023 was held at NLA University College, Kristiansand, on Friday 20th October 2023. The video recording of this guest lecture is published at the Damaris Norway YouTube channel.