Bulletproof Radio

How to Deal with Toxic People (Including Yourself) with Robert Greene : 1103



In this episode of The Human Upgrade my guest fits right into the podcast transition to The Human Upgrade because he gets into the grittiness of what humans can do to level themselves up. No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Robert Greene shares science-backed knowledge about human nature.You know you want to be more powerful, more in control and excellent at what you do.Robert’s insights help you do just that. He gives you actionable tips that help you unlock limitations you may be putting on yourself so you can move your life upward and forward. (Similar to something I like to tell my team is great momentum: “up and to the right.”) World leaders, military generals, business executives, philosophers, and hip-hop moguls alike revere Robert’s books.After writing about mastery and power for more than two decades, he’s now become a TikTok sensation and the universal truth for a new generation. He’s one of my favorite authors who’s profoundly influenced my own life and been on the podcast t